A Letter To My Baseball Glove

Michael Kuziak
2 min readFeb 2, 2021

Dear baseball Glove,

I think the time has come to go our separate ways. It's not you it's me. Well actually, it’s you. When our relationship started you were a brand new beautiful piece of leather. Together, we rode through thick and thin, won some, and lost some. But ever since our last game, I know that I need a better glove. Last season a routine fly ball landed directly into your web and you gave up allowing it to tear through you. To say the least, you broke my heart.

Before we cut ties, let’s reminisce the days that we thrived. In our first season together, I fell in love with you. An opponent launched my pitch back at my face when you jumped in front and saved me from a broken nose. Four years ago when a big game was on the line you came in clutch. We were playing first when a liner was hit well above my head. We soured into the sky and snagged it to win the game. Another time, you and I dove for a ground ball hit down the first baseline. We reached out and grabbed the ball to win the game. Many beautiful memories of the two of us flood my brain constantly. You have certainly saved me and my reputation throughout the years.

But, recently we haven't been getting along. We made it to the final 8 in the state tournament when you dropped a fly ball. This is what altered my feelings the most. That night I got home and threw you at the wall, sorry about that.

All in all, I’ve had a great experience with you but I just feel that it’s our time to split. No hard feelings and no hate. I promise the next glove won’t make me feel the way that you made me feel.

I hope the best for you and if you need me for anything, I’m here.





Michael Kuziak

I am a Barberton High School Junior/ Akron U English Composition 2 Student. I play baseball and take part in my schools musicals.